Scenario#1: Warriors!
Wait!...are you still breathing?? That's life! If life has knocked you down many times and you are standing there, your heart is beating, you are moving on-no matter what? Then, it's time to put a "smile" on your face...Yes!!!IAM ALIVE! Fight back!
Scenario#2: Survivors!
Yes! You are breathing... But, that is not enough! You are in middle of a road and you don't know where to go or which turn to take. What would you do? Just stand there..? Find a way out? Or... Ask help? It's your call only... Either, take the road that leads to becoming a warrior or just stay stuck there for lifetime.
Scenario#3: Victims!
If you feel dead inside.. if you feel there's no way out and only negative vibes are present... You are alive,but you have enslaved yourself to your problems. If prolonged, it will become permanent( and life will go on like that: without colors,laughters , happiness and joy) and if,taken as a phase- there's a chance of you getting out of it! For that, seek help through family, counseling, positive reading, watching motivational videos and most importantly, "MEDITATE".
Question is ...
How will you like to breathe in life? Fully, semi-state or empty... think and start living!
Tom Livanos.
Sydney, Australia.
Yes, I appreciated your post - it spoke about a big topic, maybe even the biggest of all topics.
I would not say that moving on is the --only-- way a person may live confidently.
It depends on the situation as well.
If a situation involves a life lesson for someone then moving on without heeding that life lesson would waste that person's time. Say that someone needed to learn that a food (or many foods) was unhealthy for that person. That person would need to spend time to learn that about themselves. Otherwise, they keep eating that food or those foods and it would impair their function. The person would not be able to move on unless the lesson was learned. This is what I meant/mean by the need, at times, to stop and assess what is taking place. It is --then-- that a person's confidence is built for whatever awaits her/him next.
All too often, we think "move on... I must move on..." and the world becomes faster and faster - and faster..... What I am passionate about is sustainability and, as I see the world today, it is not sustainable. I am the first person who wants sustainability but, at the same time, I see that it is not sustainable. I think that you and I appreciate confidence. Well, if we operated in a sustainable manner then that would give us a reverence and a confidence which, today, we do not have. The first part of the struggle towards sustainability, as I see it, is to take a step back and see what is taking place in the world.
Alright, I provided some thoughts of my own - I hope (and trust) that that is okay.