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Scenario #1: Warriors!
Wait… are you still breathing? That’s life! Life will challenge you, knock you down, and sometimes feel like it’s too much to bear. But if you're still standing, if your heart is still beating, and you’re moving forward—no matter what—then it's time to celebrate that strength. Put a smile on your face, because you are alive. This is your moment to fight back and reclaim your power. No obstacle is too big when you realize that your resilience is greater. Embrace the warrior within you and keep pushing forward—no matter the odds!

Scenario #2: Survivors!
You’re breathing, yes. But simply existing isn’t enough. Life isn’t meant to be lived in confusion or uncertainty. You might find yourself at a crossroads, standing in the middle of the road, unsure of where to go or which direction to take. You may wonder, “What should I do next?” Should you stand still, wait for something to change, or search for a way out? The power is in your hands. Will you take the road that leads to becoming a warrior, to embracing your strength, or will you allow yourself to stay stuck and let life pass you by? It’s your choice. You have the ability to change your trajectory. Every step you take, no matter how small, can lead you to a path of purpose.

Scenario #3: Victims!
If you’re feeling like you’re dead inside, overwhelmed by negativity, and feel like there’s no way out, remember this: You are alive, but you’ve allowed your problems to take over, trapping you in a cycle of despair. This is not where your story has to end. Life without joy, color, or laughter may seem like your reality, but it’s not permanent unless you let it be. This feeling can become your new normal, but only if you choose to stay stuck. If you see this as a temporary phase, you have the power to break free. It’s time to ask for help, lean on your support system, seek counseling, and fill your mind with positive influences like motivational videos and uplifting reading. Most importantly, MEDITATE—give your mind the space to heal and reset. It’s time to take back control of your life, step by step.

The Question is:
How do you want to breathe in life? Fully alive, embracing every moment with intention and strength, or merely existing in a semi-state, going through the motions, or feeling empty? The choice is yours. You have the power to decide how you show up in this world. It's time to stop waiting for life to change and start creating the change within you. Think about it—your next breath can be the one that starts a new chapter. Start living today.


Unknown said…
I like this post :-) Life... wow... life is a big topic. I think that there are some times in life where it is best to stop and "take a look around"... perhaps even step back and see the bigger picture. It may well provide more confidence when you move forward.

Tom Livanos.
Sydney, Australia.
Deeplife said…
Thankyou for your appreciation. True, actually life means to move on ,carry on.. only then you can live confidently!
Tom Livanos said…
Hi Deeplife,

Yes, I appreciated your post - it spoke about a big topic, maybe even the biggest of all topics.

I would not say that moving on is the --only-- way a person may live confidently.

It depends on the situation as well.

If a situation involves a life lesson for someone then moving on without heeding that life lesson would waste that person's time. Say that someone needed to learn that a food (or many foods) was unhealthy for that person. That person would need to spend time to learn that about themselves. Otherwise, they keep eating that food or those foods and it would impair their function. The person would not be able to move on unless the lesson was learned. This is what I meant/mean by the need, at times, to stop and assess what is taking place. It is --then-- that a person's confidence is built for whatever awaits her/him next.

All too often, we think "move on... I must move on..." and the world becomes faster and faster - and faster..... What I am passionate about is sustainability and, as I see the world today, it is not sustainable. I am the first person who wants sustainability but, at the same time, I see that it is not sustainable. I think that you and I appreciate confidence. Well, if we operated in a sustainable manner then that would give us a reverence and a confidence which, today, we do not have. The first part of the struggle towards sustainability, as I see it, is to take a step back and see what is taking place in the world.

Alright, I provided some thoughts of my own - I hope (and trust) that that is okay.
Deeplife said…
Thankyou Tom for giving your views. I agree to your comment,very beautifully explained.

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