New Rich is...


The size of each thing in the picture above shows the value of each thing nowadays in our daily lives. Let's start with the book on the hands of this man. Books are mainly used as a symbol to get wiser, hence wisdom is something least valued. Then comes the man who is holding the book, his size in the picture is not much but slightly bigger than the book. Man symbolizes many things of an individual like from emotions to soul; a society or community where there is a level of humanity and courage to stand on right. Sadly- they are exactly how they are shown in picture. Lastly the coins, center of attraction as it can let you feel free, which we call wealth in our daily life language is valued the most, which on the other hand symbolizes materialistic stuff also. So first we need to know about wealth.

Wealth is not just money or things one owns, wisdom is wealth, having humanity is wealth and last but not the least good health is wealth. So, wealth is a broad topic and carries broader meanings which includes Allah's every type of blessings. Even the family we have, the air we breath etc etc.. Question is why are we discussing this all here? 

Look at the topic, and read the above again. In order to know the "New Rich", we need to identify that what we take as wealth is just a little part of it. It's like an island floating on the sea, but again it needs the sea to let it float. Yes, we are talking "money" here. Money is the new rich! And yes, we all know that. Like, recently if we see that how a Pakistani Javelin thrower set the record on basis of his own hard work and Allah's help, as soon as he did that, everyone gathered around him like some moths gathering near light in the dark. So my question is that is this the standard of light in our lives now? 

The answer is "Yes" again, because this defines success also. So don't we need to revisit our definitions of light, wealth, rich and ultimately success? Because our definitions have let us to set really low standards of our lives , where one walks and talks like an empty glass. So we need to fill that shallowness and to do so what are your suggestions?


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