Educated or Wasted through Knowledge?

You see this picture? This is a classroom with empty chairs. Look closely, close your eyes and imagine a full-house here. Psychology tells us that if we focus on what we are looking, even if we close our eyes and imagine something, it will show us the same picture. My starting point is, aren't we facing the same with education everywhere? Maybe we don't understand what it really means to be "educated"? Let's start with very simple technique.

Education is derived from "educare" a latin word, which means "to bring forth or to lead out." In other words guiding or showing the way out to perform in any walk and field of life is education. Like in Urdu Language we say "Tarbiyat" and in Arabic Language "Tarbiyaah". Hence, a systematic schooloing or training is a core part of education. Many mix it up with "Knowledge", which means originally to sense and recognize what is true and then acknowledge it as an outcome of wisdom one learned through it. Knowledge is the key that opens the gates of wisdom, and true wisdom leads one to keep oneself in the mechanism of learning and application, which is education.

This lifelong learning process aids us to find or discover our purpose and identity, which can lead us to contribute effectively for ourselves, our community, our country and maybe one day, the whole world. So let's see some highlights of those effects happening around over these few years. The ideology of LGBTQ+ started quite while ago but right now is very core issue not only for East but also West. Parent's protests in West against such covered topics in syllabus has been observed alot to an extent that they visit school classes in school hours to confirm they are being heard. Recently, there was a father who just saw a pride flag and entered classroom to hold the teacher accountable on what he was teaching? This is one picture of educational institutions vs. parenting challenges.

On the other side, it's war on the go in Palestine,as always have been-but, people learnt for real who is wrong and who is right? It's education that keeps them standing firmly in protests and rallies to call out for justice. This week starts with stepping down of Shiekha Hasina of Bangladseh due to a discriminated quota system because the PM's palace was being stormed by students and anarchy was reigning ; after the Army Chief's advice.

The purpose of these recaps are to let you know that none of them would have taken right step, if they remained unknown of what is happening around? Getting known to it and then doing the right thing for what was known led them to convert all of this energy and time to action. The right actions is what education leads us to.

Allah stresses us to start this with our own self along with others related to us. When He says "O you who have believed, maintain/uphold yourselves and your families ..."Surah Tahrim:6 in Qura'n. When talking about Qura'n, the right word of reflection of one's knowledge in action is "Akhlaaq".

So, a person who has a good know-how overall can select better leaders or become one when needed,can help take a stand for what's right? And most importantly the way we behave in our community- beacause it teaches us to live peacefully and treat everyone equally no matter what skin color, tribe, religion they belong to. 

Now it's your choice to be eduacted or wasted by whatever knowledge you are seeking..


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