
 What do you see in the mirror? 

Reflection of the candles? What's that reflection doing? Increasing the light..? What's the original candle doing? Spreading it's energy to reduce the mist on the mirror and clearing things out? 

This is how proximity works. The original candle, say if it's a person who's purpose is to guide people and lighten up lives... He/she should go near or be close to people who want to recieve guideline willingly. And if it's about the candles in the reflection, say if it's people who want to get enlightened should go close to people who are already in that field and who already are willing to help. 

Proximity's principle is best described by Ken Coleman, " To do what I want to do l have to be around people who are doing it and the places it's happening".

Here's my question... Why would you be at such a place or be around such people? Easy... Because, you value what you own, and value those who own similar ideas.  So, how do you work for it? 

"Proximity doesn't breed familiarity." Maureen Johnson

Don't let familiarity get in your way, and let's you to disregard what you own, and what is around you. 


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