A Tale of Axe and Tree
Here's a short tale of an axe and a tree...It goes on like this...
Once there was an axe, quite sharp which made it think, it could cut any tree with just some fine strokes. One day, as usual, the Axe was cutting a Tree and like always, it succeeded and moved forward to cut the next one. The previous Tree said, "Your day will come too..."
The master of the Axe renewed its handle with the Tree to make it stronger...days and years passed.A day came, the Axe couldn't cut the trees properly, although the master sharpened its head but it was of no use. Someone suggested the master to switch to a new one and he did.
The Axe was thrown like a scrap, near a Tree which was cut in half... The Tree said to it, "I knew one day will come when you will wear off..." The Axe was surprised, when it came to know it was the same Tree
It had cut once and the master made it strong with the same Log. It forgot it was made strong from the same Tree, that it once had cut off.The Axe forgot, but the Tree remembered...
Same is with the human beings. The ones, who do the damage don't remember the ones they damaged. But, they leave imprints on them. The damaged ones might forgive, but never forget.
Our tongues play the part of the Axe, don't use it unnecessarily. Like that Tree, someone might use their tongue too when you fall... So, just try being moderate when using your words. And for those who are hurt ... forgive for your own good. Words of others represent who they are, not who You are.
Stay humble, for that; never forget what are you made up of, or what, how and who helped you to reach so far.