Have you ever seen a bird that chases eagle? or pecks it??
When it comes to eagles, we know they are carnivores. But they are wonderful creatures as they are a symbol of power, courage and freedom. Sounds BRAVE?
Let me show you another bird...
Crow... it's symbolised for intelligence and flexibility. Sounds CLEVER?
Now, back to my startup question...
Crow truly is the only bird that pecks the eagle. It sits on the back and bites his neck. The eagle never responds to that...it doesn't waste the time or energy on the crow. Eagle thinks the other way....it gets strategic, opens up its wings to fly as high as it can. It causes the crow to breath less and it eventually falls off.
This is the relationship between you and your backstabbers and hypocrites. Don't waste your energy and time on them...instead take them along with your heights and they will fade...
Being brave overrides being clever...clever can only use his/her intelligence but a brave one uses strategy and vision. BE LIKE AN EAGLE!