Sky Gaze

Have you ever seen the night sky? 
Why look up at the night sky? 

Night is dark. There comes a time in life when it seems that night sky has fallen on you, all you see is dark out there. 

We all hear it often, " look for the bright side", don't we? 

So, next time when you look up at night, try taking a closer look. What do you see? The brightest star that is twinkling is where the sky is darkest. It's illuminating it's surrounding. 

When life give you such situation, and if the world around you seems to squeeze in. Look up, see the sky - for it may tell you that universe is vast. The squeeze you feel is a tiny part of it, accept and embrace it with grace. Be like that star that shines most, and lights up lives of others too. 

Keep looking up, that's the secret of life.  Charlie Brown


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