
Imagine you are climbing up a mountain, you wish to reach the top. Every climber wishes that, there's nothing wrong in it. But, think the other way round...

"Everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you are climbing it." Andy Roony

Maybe you are just prepared to be on the spot, where you are standing right now. Maybe, there is no need to mount up more.

Still, you have got to learn more from the spot where you are, before you get higher. You have already scaled much, just for now, maybe you need to take rest and see what's still unseen.

No need to hurry or rush to reach that top. Time says, you are there where you are meant to be. And when it is time, you will be standing on the top of it.

"Every Mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing."Anonymus

What you need to do is, enjoy the uniqueness of where you are presently standing.

This is exactly, how toughness of life does to us. So what, you are on a pause. Maybe, you need to be on a pause for your own good.

Every climber pauses several times, to get to put their flag up above. Think like a climber, when life hits hard or you feel stuck!

"It is not the mountain we conquer, it is ourselves." Sir Edmund Hillary


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