The Sacred Pause

What do we do, when we are done with anything in life or when we just want to see things much more clearly???
Just like our mind and body, our soul needs a pause... That is , a "sacred pause".

What will you go through?
You will sit, just think over your meaning in life. What do you contribute for others and for yourself? You might get feeling of lowly - ness. Things may seem harder, while actually they are easier...

Question is, why go for it then, when it may make you feel a bit down???
For that, question...
How it will help??

Worldly life is important. But, sometimes one needs a break in a way, that you just go on with your worldly matters smoothly along with your inner soul being on a recharge state. People go for meditation and exercise and stuff they like, that's all good to do.

But, it is said... That inner peace is founded only, when you are near to your Creator. When there's no way, it is the only way. It will help you to become a better person. It will heal you from inside out.

"Verily,in remembrance of God, do hearts find rest."

Take a pause...
Connect your soul...
Spread it to the world...
It's all about becoming a better person!


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