
Have you ever seen the ocean? It's quite vast and deep. But, what do you enjoy most? Sitting on the shore... ? Just watching the waves come and go from far behind...

How would you know that how deep the ocean is, how vast is it or how much the waves get you and where do they take you??? If you really want to know...

Forgo the sight of the shore. Step into the ocean. Only then you will know, either you drown or survive?

In life, for big things... You have to sacrifice the beauty of the shore, if you want to cross the ocean and get to the other side.

"You can never cross the ocean until you loose the site of the shore." Napoleon Hill

If you want to achieve anything for yourself or if you want to give something to others... Say happiness, love and affection or even help them succeed, first... There will always be something that you will have to give up. 

But what makes it more meaningful??
Never say a word about it! It's like a good seed sown turning into something rotten rather a beautiful flower. And, that's the beauty of sacrifice. You achieve, without boasting around. And that gives you satisfaction. How?

You do good, good comes to you. Always remember KARMA! It's the best way indeed to show that you care and love. 
Sacrifice is one of the purest and most selfless ways to love someone.Practice it Daily!



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