Are you educated?"Tolerance isn't about not having beliefs.It's how your beliefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you." Timothy Keller
Don't answer it too early, read below... After reading this, you may do that...
There is a famous story of a man of good virtues. He used to pass a place daily and an old lady threw rubbish in his way. The man never said a word, until one day...when he did not find that rubbish on his way. He asked about that old lady to people nearby. He was told that she was sick. He went to his house, gave her some water and medicines. Asked her to rest, did her house chores. He didn't take revenge.
Just put yourself in that scenario... How would have you handled it?
It's easy...
We all apply the theory of, "equal and opposite reaction to an action".
We don't "Tolerate" the ones against us. We hit them with equal or greater force, rather than teaching a moral lesson.
Now you answer the very first question?
But, answer this first... Do you practice Tolerance?
"The highest result of education is tolerance."Helen Keller
If you are educated show Tolerance, but...
Be careful of what you Tolerate. Show it and practice it always, but don't stop fighting for right and wrong...Fight, but by teaching of what's moral.
Parctice Tolerance! Teach Tolerance!