How did you fail? Let's find out...it goes back in examination hall.
You sat for maybe an hour or so, you were being tested on your abilities, your patience and all other such traits. You gave your best and now it's on the Examiner to grade you with an "A" or "F" or "Average". You worked hard for it but you got "F".
"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Henry Ford
What to do next?Give up? Sit and cry over it? Not at all...
You recheck your paper, to find out where you went wrong, what mistakes you did so you may improve next time. There is always a room for improvement and only this urge opens the door to the next chance,but... Only if, realized or found.
What did your mistakes teach you?
This is the lifetime Experience you just had. This life works on experiences. This world is an examination hall. It doesn't say that you always succeed...grade doesn't matter, after effects of the grade do matter.
Learn from your success, learn from your failures, learn from your happy and sad moments... Learn from everything you experience, because; they say, "Experience is the best teacher."
A sincere advice to you all...
Learning from your experiences is a good thing. But, the best thing is to learn from the experiences of others. Never stop learning!