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Do you know what we all commonly manufacture? What we ignore the most? What we accept the most?

For example, when you make a mistake and someone asks, "Did you do it?" or "What happened?"—what is your immediate reaction? More often than not, you begin to construct a narrative, weaving together words that protect you from consequences. In simpler terms, you create a lie. You hide the reality. And the person asking, whether knowingly or unknowingly, accepts the lie, ignoring the truth.

But why? What makes us resort to falsehoods? What compels us to believe in them?

Consider a mirage in the desert. You are parched, desperate for water, and in the distance, you see what appears to be an oasis. Despite knowing that greenery usually surrounds a real oasis, you ignore that fact and chase after the illusion. The very thing that logic tells you is a deception becomes your focus, because it aligns with your desires in that moment. Lies operate in much the same way—they present themselves as convenient, comforting illusions, shielding us from immediate discomfort or exposure.

Why do we lie? Because it’s easier. Lies help us maintain an image, a facade carefully constructed to make us appear better than we are. We prioritize perception over reality, external validation over internal integrity. The truth, in contrast, is often uncomfortable. It challenges us. It demands courage.

What drives us to lie? Fear. Fear of judgment, of punishment, of being seen for who we truly are. Lies offer temporary solutions, quick fixes to avoid the sting of reality. But the truth has a way of surfacing eventually, rendering all the effort put into maintaining falsehoods futile.

And why do we believe in lies? Because they are beautiful. Like that shimmering mirage, they promise comfort, safety, and satisfaction. Even when we suspect deception, we cling to the lie because it aligns with what we want to believe. The truth, by contrast, is often raw and unpolished, lacking the appeal of a carefully crafted illusion.

Yet, the beauty of truth is unmatched. Unlike lies, truth requires no fabrication, no maintenance, no exhausting effort to sustain. Truth is self-evident. It is the simplest, most unbiased force in the world. Where lies create anxiety and demand constant reinforcement, truth grants freedom. It eliminates the burden of deception and replaces it with clarity, confidence, and peace of mind.

Yes, truth can be harsh. It may cut deep and shake our foundations. But in the end, it brings relief. It liberates us from the exhausting cycle of dishonesty and illusion. Truth, no matter how bitter, is the ultimate shortcut to a life of integrity and fulfillment.

So, if you seek a way forward, a path that offers real and lasting peace—choose truth. It is the simplest, most courageous, and most rewarding choice you can make.


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