
Imagine a day without any pretence, without any falsehood, without any deceit, without any hypocrisy...
Oh! It seems beautiful. It seems like the most amazing day.
Now, look inside yourself...
Whisper to your soul...
"Am I playing any part of the day, that makes it beautiful?"

How will you know that?
It's easy...
See the people around you, close to you. How many of them Trust you, Respect you? There lies your answer. Because sincerity brings Trust. Not only others benefit from it, it come to you first by being trusted.

"People trust me. I sell sincerity."George Foreman

When you are sincere, you show it by doing it, not just by saying it. It's best example is , how much you keep your Promises and make them happen in actual. It is shown by keeping Secrets. Its when, you talk good about others behind their back. And, many good little acts you do.

"Sincerity can make small deeds gigantic." Boona Mohammed

These acts define you. They define, how genuine you are? Sincerity makes you genuine, maintain your genuineness. It's among the best virtues one can have.

If you want your moment, your day, and this world beautiful. Be beautiful. Look for what is good.
But first, Be sincere to yourself...
If you are sincere to yourself, only then you can be sincere to others.


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