"Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer." Ed Cunningham
Just have a garden, you water it daily - so it may stay fresh. You take care of every single plant and flower in it. And to protect them, you build a fence around them. That fence is made up of many little things ;unseen, yet making the garden look more beautiful and stay more protected.
A garden is a place outside your home, but within the boundaries of your home. It makes you lively. And you nurture it, to stay like that. How? You water plants ,they bloom. They bloom and you smile. You smile and they smile back by waving themselves in the air.
That garden of yours is the world outside your family, yet they become like a family - making you feel like that. The plants and flowers are your Friends...
The fence is made up of Trust, Respect and Appreciation you give to each other. Numbers and size don't matter... If the fence is strong , even a garden of a centimeter, with one flower or plant is enough.
Friends make you what you are. Good ones give you happiness, bad ones give you experience. Worst ones give you lessons, Best ones give you memories.
Value every type of friend, but choose wisely....they define you and build your character...