Do you know what Reflects your thoughts? It's your Actions, It's how you Talk, It's how you React and It's in your Body Language or a Gesture!
That shows, how you are taking things?
Better be careful about it! People may get judgemental on it... Permit NO ONE to judge you. You are your only judge! You know what it's like to keep going on... only you know it how to GET UP! Only you know How FAR have you come...
"Dress for success.Image is very important.People judge you by the way you look on outside." Brian Tracy
If you don't know,then begin To KNOW your self before others do it for you... It's good that others help you out--- that is necessary too but it's Better to help yourself first!
"The way you give your name to others is a measure of how much you like and respect yourself." Brian Tracy
Attitude does matter!Keep your SPIRITS high.
Become a Leader, rather than a Follower.
Earn RESPECT, rather fear.