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Showing posts from October, 2024

The Historical Significance of Palestine: From First Temple to Hazrat Musa (A)

Palestine in the Time of Hazrat Musa (AS): A Divine Test and a Cosmic Shift The story of Palestine begins with Hazrat Musa (AS) and Bani Israel. After their escape from Pharaoh's oppression in Egypt, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years due to their disobedience. According to Islamic tradition and Jewish scripture, Allah had promised them a blessed land—Palestine—if they remained steadfast in faith and obedience. However, when ordered to enter the land, they refused out of fear of its inhabitants, leading to their prolonged wandering in the desert (Al-Ma'idah: 21-26). Only after the passing of that generation did their successors, under the leadership of Prophet Yusha (AS) (Joshua), enter the promised land. One unique aspect often overlooked is how this period of wandering reshaped not only the faith but also the identity of Bani Israel. The delay in entering Palestine was not merely a punishment—it was a divine transition where a new generation, unshackled...