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Showing posts from December, 2020


  "Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity." Do you think you'll find opportunities just by driving along a straight road? No, you won’t. Opportunities rarely come knocking on their own. And even if they do, are you truly ready to seize them? If not, they slip away just as easily. In both cases, you've lost what could have been life-changing. We all seek good opportunities in our respective fields, but finding them requires effort. You have to show up, work for them, and—most importantly—believe in yourself and your ideas with confidence that they will work. So, the next time opportunity walks through the door, don’t just watch—grab it. And if it doesn’t come to you, go find it. Better yet, create it. Step forward without fear of failure, because even if things don’t go as planned, every step is a chance to learn and grow.


How Tactful Are You? Let’s Find Out! Are you ready to put your tactfulness to the test? Let’s begin! 1. How do you respond when people misjudge or misunderstand you? Most of us instinctively react—maybe by arguing or defending ourselves. But sometimes, the wisest choice is to either stay calm and explain or simply let it go. Handling situations with patience and wisdom is what truly matters. 2. At a theme party, you notice someone who doesn’t fit in. What do you do? Do you ignore them, criticize them, or help them blend in? Many people judge or mock those who stand out, but real tact comes from offering support, not embarrassment. A small gesture of kindness can make someone feel included and valued. 3. What if you feel ignored? Some seek attention at any cost. But the key is to remain composed, stay true to yourself, and keep that confident smile. If being left out becomes a pattern, a tactful approach would be to communicate your feelings gracefully rather than demanding attention. T...